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Goals and Objectives





consolidation a culture of quality assurance for accreditation

Raising awareness of the importance of quality assurance for accreditation.

Establishing a system for institutional evaluation and quality management within the college.

Apply for accreditation


Achieving efficiency and effectiveness of institutional capacity

Mechanization of services provided and activation of electronic management.

●Supporting the strategic and executive plan of the college.

●Developing organizational, administrative and administrative structure.

●Develop a system of ethical and professional practices at the faculty.

●Establishing and activating a strategic planning unit.

●Activate the role of the crisis and disaster management unit.

●Activate the role of the evaluation unit and the examination systems.

●Activate the role of the e-services unit.

●Activating the role of the graduate follow-up unit.

●Establishing and activating a training and development unit.



Achieve the sustainable development of human resources.

Raise the efficiency of leaders and academic and administrative staff.

Raise the efficiency and development of the abilities and skills of faculty members and assistants.

Improve the performance of the functional and administrative apparatus.

Raise the efficiency of graduates to meet the needs of the changing labor market.


Sustainable development of the educational process.

Applied Practice for Academic Standards (NARS)

Development of current academic programs (BA / Graduate) periodically and the introduction of new programs.

Providing an attractive learning environment.

Updating methods and strategies of teaching and learning.

Modernize teaching and learning resources.

Development of field training programs.

Adopting clear policies to deal with the problems of education.

Achieving an objective system for evaluating students and managing exams.

Promote and develop support and educational services for students



Sustainable development of graduate studies and scientific research.

Development of graduate systems, policies and programs.

Developing and marketing scientific research activities.

Development of financial resources and facilities for scientific research.

Increase research productivity.


Activate and improve community service and environmental development activities.

Establishing and activating units of a special nature to serve the community.

Develop an approved plan to serve the community and meet its needs.

Improve and activate community participation and services.